Last weekend, Robyn and I had a wander around Hongdae to watch some street performances, but failed to find much of note, due to a lack of signposting along with the Korean disdain for street names and an English map which marked venues, but indicated no nearby landmarks, so they were nigh on impossible to find (or it could be that we are both useless at reading maps)! We couldn't find Honggik Park (one of the main venues for outdoor performances) at all...
We went back to Hongdae on Sunday to see a Fringe event showcasing five Korean rock bands - Selly, Rubi Star, Renata Suicide, Dusty Blue and Pennylane. You've got to love the descriptions in the festival programme -
Selly - their music "stirs peoples emotions and touches their hearts with implicative emotions".
Rubi Star - "expected to be the next star band for its infinite potential".
Renata Suicide - "addictive heterogenous rock" which is "gaining popularity among manias"?
Dusty Blue's write up is the most baffling - "green paper covered with dust is still green, any dust cannot change its color". Huh??
Pennylane - "unique music combining 80's style pop and emotional modern rock". Ok, that one is quite normal!
All the bands were really good and gave me a bit of faith in a music scene dominated by poppy girl groups and boy bands. Its just a shame that the gig wasn't better attended - at no point was there more than 50 people watching. Maybe it was the lack of a bar...I've never been to a gig where there was no bar (not even soft drinks). It was probably a good thing as the loos were the squatting variety!
Rubi Star
Renata Suicide
Dusty Blue
what is heterogenous rock??? mad! Grand Open springs to mind x