Monday, 9 March 2009

Tesco in Korea?!

If you live in Bucheon like me (and probably any other Korean city as far as I know), you will have the choice of two major supermarkets - Emart and Homeplus. Up to now, I've been doing my shopping at Emart because its nearer. The other day, I decided to explore in another direction and found Homeplus, right next to Sopoong cinema/mall. As I got closer, I saw a familiar logo underneath the Homeplus sign.

That's right - Tesco! And its huge, plus everything is on the ground floor (in Emart, you have to go down to the 2nd basement to do your grocery shopping). It makes me feel a little less homesick to see a familiar brand everywhere and they even do Value stuff

...although you can't buy Value kimchi in the UK!

The other major difference is that they have an advertisement video playing constantly on repeat all day throughout the store. Its fun and catchy, but I can well imagine that if you worked there, you would want to take a baseball bat to every tv screen in the store.

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